What's this? What's that? (1)


Customs officer: Is this your suitcase?
Tourist: Yes, it is.
Customs officer: And is this your suitcase?
Tourist: Yes, it is.
Customs officer: Would you open this, one, please?
Tourist: Yes.
Customs officer: Excuse me. What's this?
Tourist: It's a bottle. A bottle of wine.
Customs officer: And these? What are these?
Tourist: It's soap.
Customs officer: And these? What are these?
Tourist: They're cigarettes.

What's this?/What are these?

What's this? It's |a bottle of wine/wine.
What are these? They're cigarettes.

Is this yours?
Is this your suitcase? Yes, it is.


Woman: What's that?
Man: It's a river.
Woman: Is that a river?
Man: No, it isn't. That's a road.
Woman: Is that grass?
Man: Yes, it is. It's green.
Woman: What are those? There.
Man: Those are trees, I think. Wait a moment. Yes, they're trees.
Woman: And that's a house. And those are houses. And those. Man: And that's a road. Straight ahead. This way.

What's that?/What are those?

What's that? That's a river.
What are those? Those are houses.

Singular - tree/Plural - trees

a hotel a bank a house
hotels banks houses

Словарик к уроку


bottle of wine - бутылка вина

customs officer - таможенник

Here are... - Здесь...

Here is... - Вот...

Well done! - Хорошо!


about - о, около

Big Ben - Биг Бен (Часы на башне Вестминстерского аббатства)

black - черный

blue - синий

bottle - бутылка, флакон

cigarette - сигарета

grass - трава

green - зеленый

high - высокий

kilometre - километр

long - длинный

member - участник

metre - метр

old - старше

or - или

plural - форма множественного числа

question - вопрос

quiz - викторина

quismaster - ведущий викторины

red - красный

river - река

singular - форма единственного числа

soap - мыло

suitcase - чемодан

the Thames - Темза

these - эти

those - те

tourist - турист

tree - дерево

to wait (waited; waited) - ждать

welcome - добро пожаловать

white - белый

wine - вино

year - год

yellow - желтый
