The Excessive Bill.

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Once a man received an exorbitant bill for legal services. He considered the amount excessive so he went right the lawyer's office. As I understand it, the conversation went like this.

Man: Is this really my bill?

Lawyer: Isn't this your name on the bill?

Man: Yes.

Lawyer: Who handled it?

Man: One of your secretaries. The tall one with blonde hair.

Lawyer: Yes, yes, Ms. (Thompson). She's very accurate. There is no doubt the bill is correct.

Man: But this bill too much for the services I received from the office. It didn't even have the professional services of a real lawyer.

Lawyer: That doesn't have anything to do with it. Here the charge is the same whether I do the work personally or a secretary takes care of a routine matters such as yours.

Man: But it's too much.

Lawyer: Sir, you take care of your business, and I'll take care of mine.

Man: Obviously, you don't who I am.

Lawyer: And who are you, sir?

Man: Now I understand this exorbitant bill.

Lawyer: What do you mean?

Man: Simply that I belong the same profession as you do.

Lawyer: Well, then there was an oversight. My secretary didn't make a note of that fact. I'm very sorry about the mistake.

Man: That's all right. It could happen to anyone.

Lawyer: So you are a member of my profession? Well, in that case I'll give you a discount of 75%.

Man: That's better. Now that bill is for a reasonable sum, I'll pay it right away. Here's the money.

Lawyer: Thank you very much. I hope that you'll forgive this mistake.

Man: Naturally.

After taking the money, the lawyer sees his client to the door with great respect and courtesy. And says…

Lawyer: So tell me friend, where is your office?

Man: I don't have an office.

Lawyer: But you just told me that you have the same profession as I do.

Man: Yes I did. I'm a thief too.

  1. exorbitant [Ig'zO:bIt(q)nt] — чрезмерный, непомерный
  2. legal services — юридические услуги
  3. consider [kqn'sIdq]  — рассматривать, обдумывать; полагать, считать
  4. amount [q'maunt] — 1. количество; сумма, итог 2. составлять (сумму); доходить до (какого-либо количества)
    large amount of work — много работы
    a test for the amount of butter in milk — определение жирности
    молока The bill amounts to 125 dollars. — Счет составляет сумму в 125 долларов.
  5. excessive [Ik'sesIv] — чрезмерный (excessnbsp;— избыток, излишек)
  6. handle — 1. ручка, рукоятка 2. обращаться с, улаживать 3. вручать
  7. no doubt — без сомнения, несомненно
  8. bill — 1. счёт 2. законопроект 3. клюв
  9. correct [kq'rekt] — правильный
  10. That doesn't have anything to do with it. — Ничего нельзя с этим поделать.
  11. takes care of —заботиться о, беспокоиться о
  12. obviously ['ObvIqslI] — явно
  13. oversight ['quvqsaIt]  — недосмотр, оплошность
  14. make a note — отметить, сделать пометку (письменно)
  15. It could happen to anyone. — Это могло случиться с каждым \ с кем угодно.
  16. reasonable ['ri:znqbl]  — 1. разумный; благоразумный 2. умеренный (о цене)
  17. naturally ['nxCr(q)lI]  — 1. конечно 2. естественно, непринуждённо; по природе
  18. to see somebody to the door — проводить кого-либо до двери
  19. courtesy ['kq:tIsI]  — 1. правила вежливости, этикет 2. учтивость, вежливость
  20. thief [Ti:f]  — вор