Follow me. Where are they? (2)
Francis: Bob, where are you?
Bob: London.
Francis: Where in London?
Bob: I'm in South Street. Then at Victoria Station.
Francis: Yes.
Bob: Then, at the Tower of London, then at Buckingham Palace, then at London Airport.
Francis: Then where?
Bob: Home!
at work, at school, at home, at the cinema, at the theatre, at his girlfriend's, at a party, at a meeting, at a friend's
He's at his girlfriend's.
(at the house of his girlfriend)
He's at a friend's.
To be
I am = I'm Am I?
You are = You're Are you?
He is = He's Is he?
She is = She's Is she?
It is = It's Is it?
We are = We're Are we?
You are = You're Are you?
They are = They're Are they?
I'm not = --
You're not = you aren't
He's not = He isn't
She's not = She isn't
It's not = It isn't
We're not = We aren't
You're not = You aren't
They're = They aren't
I'm at My brother's
You' at your
He's at his
She's at her
We're at our
You're at your
They're at their
At/in/gone to
Where's Mr Jones?
He's at the cinema. He's gone to the cinema.
He's in his room.
e house of a friend)