VIDEO ACTIVITIES ( Here you will find a collection of video activities – they consist of 2-3 minute videos followed by the script and some comprehension check questions.)
ВИДЕО МАТЕРИАЛЫ для изучения английского языка
ВИДЕО УРОКИ (отрывки из фильмов с заданиями)
TOP SHOW (обучающее видео для детей и подростков)
Headway Pre-Intermediate - At the Station
English for beginners - American and British English : The home
Advance English Conversation - Making an Appointment
Jack Stark "Private Detective" " The Case of the Missing Husband" Part 2
Jack Stark "Private Detective" "The Case of the Missing Husband" Part 3
Jack Stark " Private Detective" " The Case of the Missing Husband" Part 4
Jack Stark " Private Detective" - " The Island of Adventure" (Part 1)
Jack Stark " Private Detective" " The Island of Adventure" ( Part 2)
Jack Stark "Private Detective" " The Island of Adventure" (Part 3)
Extra English Episode 3 Part 2