Going away (1)

A Holiday in Spain

Travel Agent: Are you going away on holiday?
Robber: Yes, I'm going away.
Travel Agent: Then book an XYZ holiday. Look! A holiday in Spain - in Majorca. There are flights on weekdays at twelve o'clock. The train Leaves Victoria Station at ten. It arrives at Gatwick airport at ten forty.
The flight leaves at twelve and gets to Majorca at fourteen thirty - half past two in the afternoon.
Robber: Can I go today?
Travel Agent: Sorry, sir. Not today. Not on Saturday.
Robber: Tomorrow, then.
Travel Agent: No, sir. Tomorrow is Sunday. We haven't got any flights on Saturday or Sunday. Is next week all right? Monday next week?

(XYZ = Examine Your Zipper)

There's a .../ There are...

There are flights on weekdays at twelve o'clock.
We haven't got any flightson Saturday or Sunday.
The flight leaves at twelve and gets to Majorca at fourteen thirty.

There's a flight/train on Monday/Wednesday at two o'clock.

On weekands = Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday At weekands = Saturday Sunday

24 hour clock

Ten o'clock / Fifteen thirty / twenty ten

Ten o'clock in the morning. The train leaves at ten. Half past three in the afternoon. The train leaves at fifteen thirty.
Ten past eight in the evening. The train leaves at twenty ten.

I'll be home late tonight

Bank Manager: I'm sorry, darling. I'll be home late tonight.
Wife: Where are you?
Bank Manager: I'm in my office. I'm working.
But I'll be home in two hours. It's seven o'clock now. I'll be home at nine o'clock.
Wife: Will you be late tomorrow?
Bank Manager: Tomorrow? No, I won't be late tomorrow.
I'll be early. I'll be back at four o'clock. Will you be at home then?
Wife: Of course.
Bank Manager: Good! And the next day we'll be on holiday.

I will/I won't

I'll (I will) |
I won't (will not)| be home late| tonight/tomorrow.

I'll be back at four o'clock.
Will you be at home then?

Next week / in two hours

When will you be back?
I'll be back| next week| in two/four hours/tomorrow.

Словарик к уроку


in the afternoon - днём

in the morning - утром

to be home - дома

to be at home - дома

in (two) hours - через два часа

last night - вчера вечером

(twelve) hourse late - спустя 12 часов

this morning - этим утром

the next day - на следующий день

next day - следующий / другой день

next week - следующая / другая неделя

on weekdays - в будние дни

at weekends - в выходные дни


arrived - прибыл, приехал

bank manager - управляющий банком

to book - заказывать

darling - дорогой, любимый; дорогая, любимая

to delay/delayed - откладывать; отсрочивать / опоздал, задержал

early - начальный, ранний

flight - полёт

to go away - заканчиваться, прекращаться

Good! - Прекрасно!

holiday - праздник, день отдыха; отпуск; каникулы

robber - грабитель, разбойник

then - затем; позже, после, потом; далее

today - сегодня

tomorrow - завтра

tonight - сегодня вечером, сегодня ночью

travel agent - агент бюро путешествий

was - был

were - были

yesterday - вчера
