The Flatmates - Episode 13: Tim spills the beans

Tim: So how was the cinema for you two love birds?

Alice: How many times do I have to say this - that wasn't a date!

Tim: Whoa, easy tiger! Hey this'll put a smile on your face. Guess who our landlord is?

Alice: How should I know? We give the money to Helen and she always sends off the cheque.

Tim: Go on, guess.

Alice: Tom Cruise, the man in the moon, no idea!

Tim: It's Helen's dad!

Alice: Helen's dad! No way! Why would she keep that a secret?

Helen: I'm just putting the kettle on. Anyone fancy a cuppa?

Словарик к переводу

spill (spilt; spilt) - проливать; рассыпать; разг. = spill out проболтаться, проговориться

bean - боб

to spill the beans - выдать секрет, проболтаться

guess (guessed; guessed) - догадываться

keep (kept; kept) - держать

put (put; put) - помещать, вставлять

fancy (fancied; fancied) - представлять себе; (прил.) причудливый, (сущ.) воображение

cuppa - чашка чаю
